Category Archives: Share the Love

What is Love?


Yesterday, people from all over the world celebrated Valentine’s Day, the day of love, which begs the question, “What is love, anyway?”

Love is something that most human beings long for and seek for most of their lives. I truly believe that within every man, woman and child, there is a place within our hearts that needs to love and to be loved. There’s a place within us that longs to know and to be fully known, and yet despite our obvious flaws, still be loved completely…

Almost my entire life has bee spent seeking the love and approval of others… family… friends… strangers… and even enemies! Rejection from family, the ones who are supposed to love you no matter what, left me feeling alone and unworthy of love. All too often, I would prayerfully and tearfully ask God what was wrong with me. Why was I so unlovable?

Because of the pain I felt from the rejection of those family members, I was blind to those who truly did love me, just as I am. I was blessed with a husband and children who love me very deeply, and yet, I spent most of my life waiting for them to see the “real me”, which would cause them to reject me too.

As a child, I had to fight to win my parents’ love and approval, and unfortunately, all too often, I failed in my plight. As a result of this, I grew up feeling unloved. For I always did something terrible, which caused them to withhold their love from me. 

Knowing how my family felt about me, I was certain that the God of heaven and earth, who knows all and sees all, could never love me. He has seen the best in me, and the worst in me. He knows every bad thing I’ve ever done and ever thought of doing. He also knows every bad thing that I will someday do, and so I was convinced that He couldn’t love me, until I began to hear His voice…

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.

~ Psalm 139:14  NASB ~

I had always felt ugly and defective, both inside and out. As a child, I had buck teeth and a curved spine, which caused me to have to wear a back brace for 23 hours a day. And yet now, the Lord was telling me that He had knit me together in my mother’s womb, and He had made me fearfully and wonderfully in His image. Even so, I still doubted that God could really love me. After all, I had grown up believing that I was unlovable, so how could He love me?

Long ago the Lord said to (Cheryl) Israel:
“I have loved you, My (daughterpeople, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to Myself.”

~ Jeremiah 31:3  NLT ~

I was amazed. How could the Lord of all Creation, the King of Glory possibly love me? And yet He not only loved me; He also drew me to Himself. What an amazing God and what an amazing love!

I accepted the great gift of His love, and yet, there was still the little girl within me that wondered, “If God had really loved me and chosen me from the foundations of the world, why had I always felt so unloved? Why had I always felt so alone? What was wrong with me?”

You see, I wasn’t questioning God’s goodness. I was questioning my own worth. I was certain there was something terribly wrong with me, something ugly and unlovable. Then, one night, as I was driving with my daughter, who was pregnant with her first child, while we were discussing baby names and their meanings, the Lord spoke to my heart…

Glancing at my daughter, as I drove, I suddenly said, “Do you know what Cheryl means?”

“No,” she responded, “what does it mean?”

“It means ‘Beloved,'” I replied. 

“Yes, My child. Your name is Beloved, because you are My beloved. I loved you and chose you before the foundations of the earth were laid, and it is I who named you. For you are My beloved, and I have always loved you.”

Suddenly, everything made sense. I am lovable, because God loves me. I am worthy of love, because God has made me worthy, and if God has that kind of love for me, isn’t it possible that He loves you as well? 

Now, my outlook has changed. After all, if God could love me so much, that He would sacrifice His one and only Son in exchange for my life, then how could I not love people, even my enemies, just as He did? Because He loves me so much, I can’t help but share His love with others.

So, what is this love that God has for us, and that He commands us to share with others? Paul, an apostle of Christ, and a great man of God, gives us a wonderful image of what love is, in 1 Corinthians 13…

13 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.

11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

~ 1 Corinthians 13  NLT ~

© 2015
Cheryl A. Showers

Share the Love – August and September

Dear Beloved Readers,

Beloved Ryder Elias WynneI’ve been out of town for the last couple of weeks, celebrating the birth of my 9th grandchild, a beautiful little boy named Ryder, and I haven’t been able to spend much time online, reading everyone’s posts as much as I like to do. Also, I’ve been struggling with some serious health issues, which makes it difficult to devote as much time to this as I would like to do. Therefore, with deep regret, I will not be posting Share the Love for the months of August and September.

I ask you all to keep me lifted in prayer, as I struggle with my health issues. Please know that your prayers are deeply appreciated.

I will still be posting as the Spirit leads, but you may have noticed that I haven’t posted as much as I normally do. Please know that I appreciate each one of you, and I pray the Lord blesses each of you abundantly in Jesus’ name.


Share the Love – July 2013

PrintHallelujah! I really look forward to Sharing the Love with one of my fellow bloggers each month, but I have to tell you, July 1 came really fast. I’ve known who the Lord wants me to showcase for a while, but life has a way of slipping in and throwing us off course. I’m really struggling with pain today, and your prayers are deeply appreciated. 🙂

In the meantime, I’m really excited to introduce July’s featured blog and author to some, and to present her to others, so without further ado, (drumroll please), I present CHRISTian ~ poetry by deborah annDeborah is truly a woman with a heart for Jesus, and her love for Him is evident in every poem that she writes, not for her own glory, but for His. I know this blesses the Lord, and I’m certain that’s why He wanted me to Share the Love with her. Continue reading Share the Love – July 2013

Share the Love Reminder

PrintGreetings Beloved Readers,

This is just a friendly reminder that July’s Share the Love will be posted on Monday, July 1, 2013, Lord willing. I know I tell you how excited I am to Share the Love with the blog the Lord places on my heart every month, but it’s the truth. I am so blessed and honored that the Lord asked me to read and follow someone’s blog at the beginning of each month. 

Each month, He places someone new on my heart, and I then go and read about the author of the blog, as well as his/her posts. After reading many posts, I then select the ones that are my personal favorites, to encourage you to stop by and read them. It’s truly a joy to read the posts of those that God has placed on my heart. Another  part of the process is to notify the recipient ahead of time, so that he/she can tell me a little bit about him/herself, and share their favorite post(s) with me, and I can then pass them on to you as well.

Anyway, July is right around the corner – next week… so get ready to Share the Love with another wonderful blogger! Who knows? Maybe the Lord will lead me to choose you the next time.

With much love and many blessings, I remain,
Your Sister Cheryl

Share the Love – June 2013

PrintGreetings, my beloved readers! It’s time once again to Share the Love with another great blog. I was really excited when the Lord placed it on my heart to feature this month’s blog, Prayers and Promises, authored by Diana Rasmussen. I was excited when the Lord placed Diana’s blog on my heart because Diana is a woman who has been through hell and back, and just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, her clothes aren’t even scorched, nor does she smell of the smoke from the fire. Continue reading Share the Love – June 2013

Share the Love – Reminder June 2013

PrintGreetings My Beloved Readers,

This is a friendly reminder that I will be introducing the Share the Love recipient on Saturday, June 1. I’m really eager to share the blog that the Lord placed on my heart for June. I have to tell you that when He moved me to begin to Share the Love every month, I’ve benefited far more than the recipients, because the Lord has blessed our friendships and caused them to grow. What’s more, I so love reading the different blog sites and the various posts from the bloggers. No two sites are exactly alike, and though each site honors the Lord, the messages are all different. Continue reading Share the Love – Reminder June 2013

Share the Love – May 2013

PrintGreetings Everyone! It is time for me to Share the Love once again, and I can’t tell you how much this blesses me! I’m really eager to share this month’s recipient with you, because I’m fairly certain that many of you are unfamiliar with her writing, and you are in for a treat. Therefore, without further ado, I joyfully present the blog site, His Love is Better Than Wine, authored by Nicole MContinue reading Share the Love – May 2013

Reminder – May Share the Love

Greetings Beloved Readers and Fellow Bloggers!

PrintThis is just a friendly reminder that on Wednesday, May 1, 2013, I will be sharing the love once again with another blogger. I’m really excited to Share the Love with this month’s blogger…

I suspect that many of you are unfamiliar with this blogger, but once you read some of her posts, I have no doubt that you will want to follow her and read more of what the Lord has placed on her heart to write about. This will be the fourth blog that I’ve featured on Share the Love since the Lord placed it on my heart to begin this project, and I can’t tell you how much it has blessed me to do this post each month. 

When the Lord placed it on my heart to Share the Love each month, by featuring a different blogger, so that I could bless and encourage them, I had no idea that I was the one who would be blessed by this venture. The scriptural premise that this monthly feature is based on comes from 1 Thessalonians… Continue reading Reminder – May Share the Love

Share the Love – April 2013

PrintGreetings Everyone! I have been eagerly looking forward to sharing this month’s Share the Love featured blog with you. I started blogging in October, and this is one of the first blogs that I discovered. This blog site is a veritable treasure trove of wisdom and biblical insights. Do you want to gain an understanding of God’s word? Do you want to hear the heartbeat of the Father? Do you wish people would stop complicating God’s word? Do you long for good, sound biblical teaching? Do you long to know the word of God, but hate the boredom that too often accompanies the teaching? Then, my friends, you are in for a treat this month, as I Share the Love with Ben Nelson and his blog, Another Red Letter Day

Image Credit: photo.php?fbid=2824221493128&set= t.1486714266&type=3&theater

How many of you know that there are a whole lot of blogs and websites here in cyberspace that teach a whole lot of twisted theology? People come up with all kinds of crazy rules and regulations that are not biblical. Many focus so much on the sinfulness of mankind, that they fail to share the good news of redemption. Still, others focus only on the warm fuzzies, talking about God’s love for His people, which is true, but they fail to inform the people that while God is love, He is also a holy and just God who hates and punishes sin. I shared all of this so you will see what a joy it was for me to discover Another Red Letter Day. As you click the links and visit this blog, I know that you will be blessed and overjoyed at the fresh, sound teaching that permeates this site…

Here are just a few of the posts that have knocked my socks off. One thing that I love about Ben’s teaching is that he doesn’t rush through whatever topic the Lord has placed on his heart. He takes his time in unfolding God’s word before his students and peers, so that everyone has a chance to grasp what is being shared. At the same time, Ben keeps his lessons brief each day, so that we don’t have time to be bored. He whets our appetites just enough just enough to make us hungry for the continuation of the subject, thus allowing us to chew and ponder on what we’ve learned that day. Please be sure to check these posts out:

  • Thy Name, Part 1– Have you ever studied the names of God? I love studying the names of God. So many of my wounds have been healed, as I learn just who my God and Savior is.
  • Thy Name, 8 (well 9) Old Testament names of God – I love studying the Old Testament names of God. There is such power, when I pray to Jehovah Rapha (the God who heals), when I need His healing touch. And when I am anxious, peace can be found when I cry out to Jehovah Shalom (the God of my perfect peace). 

  • Thy Name, 7 (well 8) New Testament names of God– Do you know the New Testament names of God? Have you ever cried out to the Bread of Life, to the Alpha and the Omega, to the King of kings and Lord of lords?

Please be sure to read those powerful posts, and make sure you “like” the posts that move you, and leave a comment to Ben too. As fellow bloggers, you know part of the joy in blogging is in chatting with your readers and hearing your input. I’ve been very blessed to engage in some great conversations with my fellow bloggers, and I know this will bless Ben as well.

One of the things I like to do when I Share the Love with someone is to find out which of all the posts my featured bloggers have written, is their favorite(s). This was quite a challenge for Ben, who has written more than 350 posts and counting, for his blog, but here are a couple of his favorite posts, and after reading them, I understand why they were his favorites, as I was blessed by them as well!

One of my all time favorites is a post called Condemnation or Conviction. The big revelation to me on this topic has been, first, that repentance is a gift, and further that when God gives repentance, it carries the promise of freedom and victory. True repentance actually leads to victory over sin.”

~ Ben Nelson ~

Ben also had another favorite that he wanted to share with you, and after reading it, I was deeply moved by the revelation that he imparts from God’s word to us.

“One other post that is rooted in some revelation I received working through some really tough times with a friend is Where was Jesus in Your Worst Moment? which turns the “Footprints” poem upside down a bit.”

~ Ben Nelson ~

As I said earlier, Ben has written more than 350 posts so far, and I have far too many favorites to list them all, but I just can’t close without telling you about one of the studies that Ben shares each week. Every Saturday is known as Song of Songs Saturday (this link will take you to a full listing of all of the Song of Songs Saturday posts written so far). Also, please make sure you visit Why SOS Saturdays? for an explanation of this study. Below is just a taste of my favorites from this category:

  • Fine as Wine – See if you’re not as captivated by the Lover of our souls, as the maiden in this story is…
  • That Name!– SOS Saturday – This is my absolute favorite post of all that Ben has written, and truthfully, I haven’t found any that I dislike. However, this post just captures my heart from the very beginning, causing me to fall deeper in love with the Love of my life! There’s just something about the name of Jesus, that sets the captive free, breaks the chains that bind us, that heals the broken hearted! Jesus – Just say the name… Breathe in the breath of life, and then expel it over a lost and dying world, and see what happens… Jesus…

In closing, I want to urge you, my beloved readers, to visit Another Red Letter Day, and take your time perusing the many different categories and posts. Also make sure you take the time to read the posts that Ben and I recommended to you. They are well worth your time to read them.

When you visit, be sure to “Like” those posts that you like, and please, take time to leave a comment to  Ben. As fellow authors and bloggers, you all know how much it means to you, when someone drops a word on your posts. Having said that, I just want to remind everyone to remember their blogging etiquette, opposing views are welcome, as long as they are presented with respect. Please remember my purpose for presenting the Share the Love post every month. 

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

Finally, my beloved readers, I just have to leave you with one more recommendation before I close this post. As you know, this past week was a solemn and holy time as we prepared for the joyous resurrection celebration, and when I read this post by Ben, I was deeply moved, and I believe you will be moved as well:

Many blessings to you, my beloved readers. I just know that you will be blessed as you read these posts from Ben Nelson on Another Red Letter Day.

© 2013
Cheryl A. Showers

Reminder – Share the Love – April 2013

Greetings Beloved Bloggers,

This is just a friendly reminder that on Monday, April 1, 2013, I will be posting April’s Share the Love post. For any new followers who are not familiar with Share the Love, please click the link above to discover more information. I’m so glad the Lord inspired me to begin doing this, because it gives me the opportunity to focus on the blogs that He places on my heart, and really dig in to their posts. 

I love being able to share my favorite posts, and I love highlighting my fellow bloggers. 

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

It’s funny, because since the Lord led me to begin this monthly post, keeping the scripture above as the theme, it seems that in attempting to bless others, I’m the one who is most blessed by this project. You see, when the Lord places a blogger or bloggers on my heart for this montly post, I delve into their blog site more intensely than I might otherwise do. In doing this, I find that their words of beauty, poetry, instruction and prose bless me and fill needs that I’m sometimes not even aware of. And as I visit the sites of the many artists online, I am won over by the beauty and talent that God has gifted so many people with! 

Anyway, this is just a quick reminder to be watching on Monday, April 1, for the monthly Share the Love post! May the Lord bless each and every one of you, my beloved readers!

In Christ’s Love,

Share the Love – March 2013

Hallelujah! It is time once again to Share the Love with my beloved blogging friends. For those of you who are unfamiliar with what Share the Love is all about, please click the link above. 

As those of you who read my blog posts on a regular basis are aware, February has been a very difficult month for me, fraught with much pain and grief, as my mother passed from this life into the next. It is my fervent hope and belief that Mom made peace with God and is now in the presence of Jesus.

Because of all that has gone on, I haven’t given much thought to my blog or to the Share the Love project. Indeed, because I haven’t given it much thought, due to my circumstances, I had resigned myself to forgoing the Share the Love post this month, but God had other plans, as He ministered to my heart and showed me who HE wanted to highlight this month.

Image Credit:
Image Credit:

Therefore, it is with great joy that I introduce to some of you, a blog site that brings me great joy, as the author shares nature’s beauty and God’s glory through her photography, poetry and prose… For those of you who are already familiar with this lovely blog, I’m sure you will all agree with God’s choice (and therefore mine also) for the Share the Love post this month — greenlightlady. The beauty that Wendy, author of greenlightlady, portrays in her posts is a wonderful blessing for all who read and view them. 

I pray that everyone who reads this post will take the time to visit her blog site and “Like” and comment on your favorite posts. If you’re not sure which posts to read and view, please be sure to check out some of these favorites of mine:

These are only a few of my favorites. Wendy has written and photographed many posts, which always bless me. I do have to share two more favorites, because they were such a delightful surprise to me. Are there any mushroom lovers out there? I am a huge mushroom fan… I like them stuffed, raw, on top of salads, and on pizzas… I truly enjoy eating mushrooms, but I must confess that although they are very tasty, I’ve always thought they were rather ugly, until I saw these two posts on greenlightlady’s blog:

I think it’s really important to know which post, out of all that she has posted since the inception of her blog, is the author’s personal favorite. Each month as I Share the Love, I will include not only my own personal favorites, but the author’s as well, and Wendy’s favorite post is On Either Side. After reading this, I can understand why that post would be her favorite, because it gives us a glimpse into the wonder of God’s great love for us, and it brings the following scripture to my mind:

 But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:8 NLT)

As I stated earlier in this post, with the tumultuous month that February was, I really didn’t think I had it in me to do the Share the Love post this month, because I haven’t really had time to visit many blog sites, and truthfully, I hadn’t even thought to pray about Share the Love. However, God is the One who gave me the inspiration to do a Share the Love post every month, and it was He who revealed who I should highlight in my first Share the Love post for the month of February. And just as He did for February’s post, He showed me who to Share the Love with in March.

Image Credit:

On February 24, I was reading through the many posts that I subscribe to, when I came across greenlightlady‘s post for that day. This post was unlike her usual posts, and the Lord clearly spoke to my heart and told me to showcase Wendy’s blog for March. For those of you who wonder how I go about choosing which blog to showcase, the answer is simple. I allow Holy Spirit to lead me to the blog that He chooses…

Anyway, Wendy’s, A Call to Prayer, truly moved and inspired me. Out of all the posts that Wendy (a.k.a. – greenlightlady) has written, this one was by far and away my very favorite post, because it deeply moved me. I was first struck by the genuine love and compassion expressed in this post, from the beginning to its glorious ending. The poem Wendy shared, exhibited the sheer beauty of God’s love for the millions of unborn babies whose lives are cut short in utero. And though the poem for those babies came to an end, the words that Wendy wrote afterwards in summary continued to display God’s everlasting love – not only for the wounded and murdered babies, but for those mothers who have aborted their babies. You see, we serve a wonderful God who not only loves the innocent babes, but He loves their lost mothers too, and it is not His will that any of them should perish. Therefore, I urge everyone who reads this post to please take the time to visit Wendy’s blog and read, A Call to Prayer. Then, after reading it, let’s join Wendy in her call to prayer for all of the unborn babies in this country and throughout the world, and for their mothers as well…

May the Lord bless each one of you as we all Share the Love with Wendy at greenlightlady.

Love in Christ,

Reminder – Share the Love – March 2013

Greetings My Beloved Blogging Friends!

PrintI just wanted to post a reminder for Share the Love, the new post that I began posting in February 2013, which highlights a different blogging friend each month. This past month has been such a trying time for me personally, that I almost chose not to do this post. However, God had other plans, as He led me to edify a very special blog site – one that is sure to bless each one of you!

This is a picture of me, illustrated by my granddaughter, Moriah... (for those who may have wondered what I look like)
This is a picture of me, illustrated by my granddaughter, Moriah… (for those who may have wondered what I look like)

I am so glad that the Lord led me to begin this monthly post, and even more pleased that He showed me the person that He wants to bless and encourage this month. Please make sure you stop by on March 1, 2013, when I will post the Share the Love recipient for March 2013. Then, please make sure you visit the recipient’s blog site and “Like” the posts that you enjoy, and comment on them as well. As you know, nothing blesses an author more than to receive constructive feedback from his/her peers, as each one of us walks in obedience to Share the Love’s mission:

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

May the Lord bless each one of you as you continue to build each other up!

In Christ’s Love,

Share the Love – February 2013

PrintIt is with great joy and excitement that I present the first featured blog in the Share the Love project that the Lord inspired me to begin. From the beginning, when the Lord first placed this idea on my heart several weeks ago, I felt Him leading me to share A Christian Imagination as my first featured blog site. This site is authored and managed by Maria Tatham, a reformed Christian who truly loves the Lord, and seeks to please Him first and foremost with her blog.

Image Credit: Maria Tatham

Maria’s blog consists of poetry, prose, art works from ancient times, scripture and so much more. When you travel to Maria’s blog, you will see that she has several pages. Please be sure to stop by the pages listed under the heading, My NovelIn this section, you will learn about her novel, The Queen and the Handyman. I recently read this novel, and posted a review of the novel at the following link:

I truly meant it when I said that The Queen and the Handyman is a must read. It was a quick read for me, simply because I couldn’t stop turning the pages. Maria truly is a gifted author.

Some of the most enjoyable posts that I’ve read on A Christian Imagination are the fairy tales that Maria has rewritten. I’ve always loved reading fairy tales, (yes, even as a grownup) but I’m sure you’ll all agree with me, that fairy tale happy endings are not always how we would define happy endings. Maria changes that, giving some troubling old fairy tales a new life…

There are other fairy tales for you to explore on your own as well… Maria’s favorite post is a poem based on one of the most beautiful fairy tales of all time:

While I have enjoyed all of the stories that I’ve listed above, my absolute favorite story by far, is the story entitled Judith’s Diary (a tale of Bluebeard and his Wife). For those of you who are unfamiliar with Bluebeard, you can read about the legend of Bluebeard on Wikipedia. Then, after reading about the original story of Bluebeard, you will have a greater appreciation for Maria’s version of the story, which allows for forgiveness, as do all of her stories.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

Now, my dear readers, you have your work cut out for you. You see, in order for Share the Love to accomplish the good that God intends for it to achieve, you must do your part. Please click on the links above, and visit Christian Imagination, and the different stories that are listed above. When you visit, please be sure to click “Like” if you like what you read, and please do write comments. As fellow bloggers, you know how important comments are. The comments that others leave at our posts encourage us and spur us on to continue the work that we are called to, so don’t be shy. Also, if you are blessed by this blog site, be sure to “Follow” it, so that you can read more of Maria’s posts.

If you have a favorite blog that you would like to suggest for Share the Love, please don’t comment about it on this post. Instead, go to the Share the Love page and leave your suggestion there. Let’s keep the comments on this page limited to this month’s featured blog and this post. I’ll be in prayer this month, to see which blog the Lord leads me to feature next month. If you feel led to reblog this post so that your followers can check out this month’s featured blog, please feel free to do so.

May the Lord bless each one of you abundantly, as you go about His work, encouraging one another and building one another up!

In Christ’s love, I remain,
Your Sister Cheryl

Share the Love

PrintHallelujah! I’m really excited to start this new project the Lord has laid on my heart. Please check out my new page for Share the Love, which explains this new project. I look forward to sharing the love with you, my readers, and my favorite bloggers… 

Much love to you all, as we Share the Love of God with one another, and discover new blogs that bless us.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
(1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT)

Share the Love

The Lord has been speaking to my heart, and He is leading me to start a new blog page and post entitled “Share the Love.” In this post, each month, I will feature one of the blogs that I follow, and encourage you, my readers to visit this blog, and follow it. The Scripture that He gave me for this project is:

Image Credit:

11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. 12 Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and warn you against all that is wrong. 13 Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted love because of their work. And remember to live peaceably with each other. 14 Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone. 15 See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to everyone else. (1 Thessalonians 5:11-15 NLT)

My reasons for “Sharing the Love” with my blogging community is to encourage and build my brothers and sisters up, and to obey the Lord. There are so many wonderful blogging sites that we often miss, because we don’t know about them… Therefore, the Lord placed it on my heart to feature one of those sites that bring me joy and/or wisdom each month. 

I’m not totally sure what the format will be as I feature one blog each month, however, since I will begin doing this in February, I’m sure the Lord will show me pretty quickly. I intend to be prayerful in this endeavor, so that I can feature the blog that the Lord wants to be featured, beginning February 1, 2013. 

God bless each one of you, my beloved readers! I pray this new feature will be a blessing to each one of you.

In Christ’s love,

© 2013
Cheryl A. Showers