Tag Archives: Arts

Share the Love – July 2013

PrintHallelujah! I really look forward to Sharing the Love with one of my fellow bloggers each month, but I have to tell you, July 1 came really fast. I’ve known who the Lord wants me to showcase for a while, but life has a way of slipping in and throwing us off course. I’m really struggling with pain today, and your prayers are deeply appreciated. 🙂

In the meantime, I’m really excited to introduce July’s featured blog and author to some, and to present her to others, so without further ado, (drumroll please), I present CHRISTian ~ poetry by deborah annDeborah is truly a woman with a heart for Jesus, and her love for Him is evident in every poem that she writes, not for her own glory, but for His. I know this blesses the Lord, and I’m certain that’s why He wanted me to Share the Love with her. Continue reading Share the Love – July 2013

Share the Love Reminder

PrintGreetings Beloved Readers,

This is just a friendly reminder that July’s Share the Love will be posted on Monday, July 1, 2013, Lord willing. I know I tell you how excited I am to Share the Love with the blog the Lord places on my heart every month, but it’s the truth. I am so blessed and honored that the Lord asked me to read and follow someone’s blog at the beginning of each month. 

Each month, He places someone new on my heart, and I then go and read about the author of the blog, as well as his/her posts. After reading many posts, I then select the ones that are my personal favorites, to encourage you to stop by and read them. It’s truly a joy to read the posts of those that God has placed on my heart. Another  part of the process is to notify the recipient ahead of time, so that he/she can tell me a little bit about him/herself, and share their favorite post(s) with me, and I can then pass them on to you as well.

Anyway, July is right around the corner – next week… so get ready to Share the Love with another wonderful blogger! Who knows? Maybe the Lord will lead me to choose you the next time.

With much love and many blessings, I remain,
Your Sister Cheryl

Writing the Wrongs

Image Credit: http://magicinthebackyard.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/writing-the-wrongs-jagged-little-pieces.jpg

“Here is your FWF prompt… I found this quote yesterday and posted it to my Facebook page. I liked the snarky feel of it and so did a lot of others. So I thought it would make for a great prompt! Here is your opportunity to vent. A chance for you to ‘write the wrongs’. Share a time that you have felt wronged or treated unfairly, either by way of a situation or another person.”

When I saw this week’s prompt, I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I think it would take me days and days to write all of the wrongs in my life. I could write several books about those wrongs — maybe even several volumes. Shoot — I could probably write a library of the wrongs in my life!

But what would that accomplish? If I write the wrongs in my life, would it right the wrongs? I don’t think so. 

If I write the wrongs in my life, would it help anyone? Would it make anyone else feel better? Would it make anyone happy? Would it change the course of history? Probably not.

If I write the wrongs in my life, will the ones who wronged me be sorry? Will they even know I’m talking about them if I don’t use their names? Will they even remember wronging me? Maybe, but then again, maybe not.

If I write the wrongs in my life, will it bring me joy? By writing the wrongs in my life and thereby hurting the wrongdoers, will it bring them or me peace? By writing the wrongs in my life, am I seeking vengeance? By writing the wrongs in my life, do I become like those who wronged me?

I wasted many years of my life living and reliving the wrongful, hurtful things that were done to me throughout my life, and do you know what it got me? Pain… and more pain.

You see, the more you dwell on the wrongs that have been done to you, the more you become entangled in them. When your focus is on your pain, every movement you make causes more pain, and each time you relive that pain, the wound is ripped open again, so that it never has a chance to heal… and as that wound continues to fester within you, it becomes infected, and that infection then begins to spread into other areas of your life, infecting them as well. Before you know it, other relationships become contaminated, and you are unable to fully trust and fully love… 

Beloved, I don’t want to be tormented by the wrongs that have been done to me. Therefore, I choose to right the wrongs in my life…

  • I choose to forgive those who have hurt me…
  • I choose to love my enemies and bless those who curse me…
  • I choose to turn the other cheek…
  • I choose to think about the good things in life, rather than the wrongs…

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,   whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,  whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if  anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.

~ Philippians 4:8 NASB ~

© 2013
Cheryl A. Showers

Trifecta Challenge: Wonder

Trifecta Challenge: Wonder
The Trifecta Word Challenge this week is:

1a : a cause of astonishment or admiration : marvel <it’s a wonder you weren’t killed> <the pyramid is a wonder to behold>
 b : miracle
2: the quality of exciting amazed admiration
The Wonder of His Love

“Arise, My love, you’re free!”
His whispered words awoke

Hope as He said to me
“Rise from the dust — your chains are broke!”

Enslaved for all my life
By chains of fear and doubt.
Oppressed by pain and strife,
To Jesus I cried out

Cross Background
Cross Background

“Save me, Lord — Redeem me!”
“Fear not, My child, I’m here —
I’ll give you eyes to  see…
And wipe away each tear.”

“Cast your cares on Me, Love
Because I care for you.”
Amazed, I looked above —
It seemed too good to be true.


His words came out like thunder —
“For you I chose to die.”
I gazed on Him with wonder
“You died for me… But why?”

“You are precious in My sight,
My own special treasure.
My love exceeds all heights…
I love you beyond measure.”

As He speaks His love for me,
My heart overflows with love…
I think about His beauty
And the wonder of His love!

© 2012
Cheryl A. Showers

Daily Prompt: Hobson’s Choice

If you had to choose between being able to write a blog (but not read others’) and being able to read others’ blogs (but not write your own), which would you pick? Why?
Daily Prompt: Hobson’s Choice

Why is it that people like to play these silly games? I’ve never understood it, and I don’t like them. I’ve had people ask, “If you had to choose between dying in a fire or drowning, which would you choose?” or “If you had to choose between a handsome man, who is mean and cruel or an ugly man, who is kind and sweet, which would you choose?”

The Lesser of Two Evils
The Lesser of Two Evils (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Really? Give me a break! Aren’t we faced with enough real choices in life without having to choose between imaginary things that are not likely to happen? It’s sort of like being asked to choose the lesser of two evils, and my response is as the minister, Charles Spurgeon once said, “Of two evils, choose neither.”

I can’t even begin to describe the joy, and the anguish I’ve felt as I’ve read the blogs of others, (not to mention the irritation and disgust I’ve felt at some others). Do you really think I would give up the pleasure of reading the poetry that springs forth from some, or the amazing artwork, that otherwise, I might never get to experience? Do you think I would choose to lose all of the friends and acquaintances I’ve had the honor to come to know in these few weeks since I began this great adventure in blogging? Absolutely not!

And as for never writing again, are you crazy? That would break my heart, and just think of it… if everyone chose to write, but not read, no one would ever read the blogs that I write, never comment on them, there would be no new relationships… no one to offer suggestions for my improvement… how sad that would be! I like to minister to people, to touch their hearts, but if there are no readers, only writers, then no one can experience the joy I want to share in my stories, or the love, or the fear. It would just be a cold, empty exercise in writing. No thank you.

Therefore, I’ll say it one more time, just so there are no questions. Of these two evils, If you had to choose between being able to write a blog (but not read others’) and being able to read others’ blogs (but not write your own), which would you pick?” I choose neither.

© 2012
Cheryl A. Showers