Kreative Blogger Award

Today I received my first blogging award, and I am very honored. It’s called the Kreative Blogger Award, and  presented this award to me. When I started this, I never expected to win anything. I just wanted to obey the Lord and write the things that He places on my heart, and sometimes just post my own silly rambling thoughts. Thank you so much  for presenting this award to me. Kreative Blogger Award. Pay it forward. The Rules of this award are:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • List seven random things about yourself.
  • Nominate 10 other blogs that you admire and enjoy.
  • Notify the nominees.
  • Display the award logo on your blog.

Seven random things about me (in no particular order) are:

  1. I LOVE Jesus!
  2. In only 7 years, I will be the grandmother of 9 (and I only have 2 children)!
  3. I’ve always dreamed of being an author and writing a book, and now at age 51, I’ve begun writing my first book.
  4. I’ve been married to the same man for 31 1/2 years and my love for him has grown stronger with each passing year.
  5. I like playing word games.
  6. I have a song for nearly every conversation or situation that arises, and I don’t mind belting it out anywhere I happen to be… Walmart… Food Lion… McDonald’s… wherever…
  7. It is my prayer that others will be blessed and inspired by my testimony, and walk away knowing that if God can mend and heal my broken heart, then He is more than able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that they could ever hope for or ask. 🙂

Nominate 10 other blogs that you admire and enjoy:

  1. The Hidden Paths – Prophetess Chantay’s blog is a blessing to all who read what the Lord has placed in her heart to share with His people.

  2. DEB’S BLOG – Deb’s “Simple Poems” richly bless and inspire me everyday.

  3. greenlightlady – Greenlightlady’s poetry and photography are so beautiful and inspiring. I look forward to the beauty that she shares with each post.
  4. Longing for a Holiday at Sea – This lovely woman has taken her readers with her on her own spiritual journey each day for nearly a year, as she has gone through many trials and tests, and through it all, she has drawn closer to the Lord, and pulled others closer as well.

  5. FOREVER POETIC – Wendell Brown has the unique gift of creating pictures of those things that are invisible with his words. As you read his poetry, you are immediately able to see what such invisible things as love, hope, and faithfulness look like. You’re able to hear what they sound like, feel what they feel like, and you can even smell them.

  6. Paulette’s Blog – This beautiful woman makes blogging interactive, as she her blog becomes the meeting place for men and women of God to join together in worship, singing, dancing, praying together and speaking life and encouragement to one another.

  7. Scottish Warriors For Christ – The articles and poetry, as well as the wisdom shared on this blog is more valuable than you could ever imagine.

  8. Sisters of Christ – This is a blog by a woman who has been dealt many blows in her life, but she is no longer a victim, and no longer merely a survivor. This is a blog written by a woman who is victorious – she has overcome much of the pain of her past, and now seeks to empower other women who have suffered or are in the midst of trials.

  9. cries of my heart – Jodikarren, the author of this blog is a young woman who is an example to all, that by the grace and power of God, you can overcome all obstacles and live a life that is pleasing to Him.

  10. Hope* the happy hugger – The author of this blog has a gentle spirit that is soothing, and she has the ability to encourage you when she visits your blog, and after reading her blog, you will find yourself leaving feeling uplifted and encouraged.

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